Corporate Social Responsibility


ČD - Telematika, mindful of the social responsibility derived from its market position, is trustworthy and responsible in relations with partners, customers and employees, and strives to ensure their satisfaction.

As believers in sustainability, we try to promote an environmental approach in corporate activities. As a leading provider of comprehensive telecommunications services, we accept our corporate social responsibility by promoting education and aiding the needy.

IMS Policy

Our commitments in the field of integrated management system (IMS).

ČD - Telematika a.s. is a leading provider of wholesale internet, data and voice services and supplier of telecommunications infrastructure management, maintenance and construction services. It provides housing services in highly secure data centres and owns the second largest fibre-optic infrastructure in the Czech Republic. It supplies its services to discerning customers from amid state administration institutions, the rail transport segment, large corporations, and local connectivity providers.

In our work, we focus on meeting customers’ needs with a view to delivering high-quality products and services. We foster partnerships with companies providing ICT services to final customers in the private and public sector and we offer joint solutions capitalising on our own unique structure and know-how. We are mindful of the fact that our company’s activities also have an impact on the environment, on the occupational safety and health of our employees and, needless to say, on information security.

ČD - Telematika is keen to pursue its strategic and economic goals systematically and smoothly.

To preserve and build on our market position, we have implemented – and maintain and continually improve – an integrated quality management system (QMS) conforming to ČSN ISO 9001 (including AQAP 2110 requirements), an environmental management system (EMS) conforming to ČSN ISO 14001, a safety management system (SMS) conforming to ČSN ISO 45001, an information security management system (ISMS) conforming to ČSN ISO/IEC 27001 and an IT service management system (ITSM) conforming to ČSN ISO/IEC 20000-1.

Fully aware of its responsibility, the company management has adopted the following strategic concepts, relying on the cooperation and creativity of employees in the implementation thereof:

ČD - Telematika commitments

  • Provide professional and reliable telecommunications and telematics services, come with reliable and efficient solutions and services tailored to individual customer needs, build sound business relationships and provide a high standard of quality, and ensure continuous improvement of IMS.
  • Ensure security of information by reasonable and appropriate measures to protect information assets and to provide adequate assurance to our company, but also to our customers and partners.
  • Monitor and evaluate our activities regularly with regard to the quality of the service or product provided, the impact on the environment, health of employees, and information security. Monitor and evaluate the needs and satisfaction of customers and adapt the service with regard to the importance of each customer for the company. Adapt services to the changing needs of customers.
  • Be the first choice for customers who prefer a secure and reliable services, be the first choice for customers who require perfect functionality, low failure rate, high reliability and a long service life of their technological units and equipment, to be an indispensable partner for customers on their way to business success and constantly monitor the needs of our customers and to find effective and appropriate solutions for them.
  • Constantly motivate each employee to participate in the development of their skills and care about their satisfaction and health. Each of our employees has enough space for their self-fulfillment and opportunity to directly contribute to the further development of the company. Every employee knows their responsibilities and authorities in meeting objectives and ensuring functionality of IMS.
  • Create decent working environment and be the preferred employer in the labour market.
  • Require consistent and accurate compliance with the procedures set out in the documentation of the integrated system from each employee, as well as high responsibility for the quality of their work consisting in preventing mistakes and thorough self-check of results of their work before sending them to co-workers or customers.
  • Use technologies, processes, products and materials that do not endanger workers and the environment and that are safe and environmentally friendly in terms of their intended use. Depending on production, reduce consumption of energy and raw materials, ensure proper disposal of waste and comply with binding limits on emissions into the environment.
  • Search, analyze and consult risks and adopt procedures to reduce them, focus on continuous improvement and reduce the risk of an emergency event or a safety incident.
  • Observe and comply with the applicable legislation and requirements of government bodies and other stakeholders in all fields of activity. In addition to complying with legal requirements, preferentially promote contractual business, technical and security obligations.

Závazky společnosti ČD - Telematika

  • Poskytovat profesionální a spolehlivé telekomunikační a telematické služby, přicházet se spolehlivým a efektivním řešením a službami přizpůsobenými individuálním potřebám zákazníků, poskytovat seriózní obchodní vztahy a vysoký standard kvality a zajistit neustálé zlepšování IMS.
  • Zajistit bezpečnost informací pomocí přiměřených a odpovídajících opatření, která budou chránit informační aktiva tak, aby poskytly odpovídající míru jistoty naší společnosti, ale také našim zákazníkům a partnerům.
  • Pravidelně monitorovat a vyhodnocovat své činnosti s ohledem na kvalitu poskytované služby nebo produktu, vliv na životní prostředí, zdraví zaměstnanců a bezpečnost informací. Sledovat a vyhodnocovat potřeby a spokojenost zákazníků a tomu přizpůsobovat poskytování služeb s ohledem na důležitost každého zákazníka pro společnost. Přizpůsobovat služby měnícím se potřebám zákazníků.
  • Být první volbou pro zákazníky, kteří upřednostňují bezpečné a spolehlivé služby, být první volbou pro zákazníky, kteří vyžadují perfektní funkcionalitu, nízkou poruchovost, vysokou bezpečnost a dlouhou životnost u svých technologických celků a zařízení, být nepostradatelným partnerem zákazníků na jejich cestě k podnikatelským úspěchům a neustále sledovat potřeby svých zákazníků a nacházet pro ně efektivní a odpovídající způsoby řešení.
  • Trvale motivovat každého zaměstnance, podílet se na rozvoji jeho kvalifikace a dbát na jejich spokojenost a zdraví. Každý náš zaměstnanec má prostor pro vlastní seberealizaci a možnost přímo se podílet na dalším rozvoji společnosti. Každý zaměstnanec zná svou odpovědnost a pravomoc při plnění cílů a zabezpečení funkčnosti IMS.
  • Vytvářet důstojné pracovní prostředí a být preferovaným zaměstnavatelem na trhu práce.
  • Od každého zaměstnance vyžadovat důsledné a přesné dodržování postupů stanovených dokumentací integrovaného systému, vysokou odpovědnost za kvalitu vlastní práce spočívající v předcházení chybám a důslednou samokontrolu výsledků práce před jejich předáním spolupracovníkům nebo zákazníkům.
  • Využívat technologie, postupy, výrobky a materiály, které neohrožují zaměstnance a životní prostředí a které jsou bezpečné a ekologicky šetrné z hlediska jejich zamýšleného používání. V závislosti na produkci snižovat spotřebu energií a surovin, zajistit řádnou likvidaci odpadu a dodržovat závazné limity emisí do životního prostředí.
  • Vyhledávat, analyzovat a projednávat rizika a aplikovat postupy pro jejich omezování, zaměřit se na neustálé zlepšování a na snižování rizika vzniku mimořádné události nebo bezpečnostního incidentu.
  • Sledovat a dodržovat platnou legislativu i požadavky orgánů státní správy a dalších zainteresovaných stran ve všech oborech činnosti. Vedle plnění zákonných požadavků přednostně podporovat smluvní obchodní, technické a bezpečnostní závazky.

Code of Conduct

Key principles of conduct of our company.

The main objective of ČD - Telematics as (hereinafter referred to as "ČD-T") is to develop and maintain an economically healthy and prosperous business. ČD-T is aware of its responsibilities to its employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, governament bodies, and to the general public. Therefore, it adopts this Code of Conduct, which sets out the key principles of conduct.

General principles

Good name of ČD-T is shaped by acting of the Board of Directors, employees and agents, and the principles listed here are considered a minimum standard of behavior for the above. In its business, ČD-T follows not only the generally binding legal regulations, but also basic human values and rules of etiquette, and maintains high standards of morality and ethics.

Employee relations

ČD-T provides equal opportunities for all - regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, nationality, religion, or other distinctive characteristics. It provides its employees with a healthy and safe working environment, supports staff education, so that employees can develop their professional skills, respects the right of employees to form trade unions and fulfills the obligations under the Collective Agreement. The company explains employees the goals and strategies, so that they can understand them and accept the vision as their own.

Market behaviour

ČD-T considers fair dealings with customers, suppliers and business partners prerequisite for successful business cooperation. The company is aware of all of its obligations to all of the above entities and will make every effort to meet them. It considers all information obtained during the course of trade as strictly confidential and treats it accordingly. The company acts fairly and honestly towards the competition in business, and respects the principles of open competition. It is not acceptable for ČD-T to request, receive, offer, promise or give bribes or any other values in order to gain advantage in business relations or for personal gain of an individual.


ČD-T is interested in maintaining a healthy and clean environment. In its activities it therefore proceeds according to the precautionary principle and uses all resources responsibly, carefully and with due diligence.

Social responsibility

Being aware of its social responsibility, ČD-T supports charitable projects, sports, cultural and other activities of non-profit organizations, not only financially, but also by means of personal participation. This Code of Conduct shall come into effect upon signature.

Envinronment Protection

We do not forget about the environment and consider the system of safety, quality and protection of the environment an important part of the whole company management. We have tuned our work processes to minimize their impact on the environment as much as possible.

To ensure environment protection, we follow the international ČSN EN ISO 14001 standard and comply with the EMS (Environmental Management System), based on the principle of prevention and continuous improvement of the environmental protection.

ČD - Telematika especially influences the environment in the field of waste management. Therefore, we keep detailed records of waste in accordance with the respective law, and use services of specialized companies that have the relevant permits to dispose of the waste. Our sites in all regions have a permit to handle hazardous waste.

We would like to support the image of ČD-T as an environmentally responsible company not only in the eyes of the public, but also in our employees – for instance by using environment-friendly cars Skoda Fabia and Skoda Roomster.


ČD - Telematika a.s. is a robust, leading-edge ICT company providing voice, data and construction services in tandem with telecommunication infrastructure maintenance and management. Since its inception in 1994, it has built up a dominant position as one of the domestic market’s largest wholesale operators. 

Projects sponsored

Strančice Children’s Centre

A healthcare facility for children up to three years old (and in certain cases up to six years old) who depend on the continuous and intensive assistance of others ČD - Telematika first started working with the Strančice centre in 2012 through the personal involvement of employees, backed up by financial assistance. We have taken the time and made the effort to help Strančice ever since.

Over the years, ČD - Telematika has made sponsorship donations to the Children’s Centre running into several hundred thousand crowns. Other funds, amounting to tens of thousands of crowns, have been gifted directly by the company’s employees, who have also organised collections of toiletries, toys, etc., for Strančice.

In addition, day-long work teams are organised for ČD - Telematika’s employees to help out with the maintenance of the building and surrounding complex.

Helping Others Together Scheme

This scheme aims to support the charitable interests and activities of our employees across the country. All employees can become actively involved in the scheme if they have a specific proposal to provide assistance in an area related to social care, such as help for the disabled, seniors and otherwise disadvantaged adults and children.

About Us

ČD - Telematika a.s. is a major provider of wholesale telecommunications services and a supplier for the railway environment in the telecommunications, measurement and security areas.

Infrastructure map

Our transfer network