The main objective of ČD - Telematics as (hereinafter referred to as "ČD-T") is to develop and maintain an economically healthy and prosperous business. ČD-T is aware of its responsibilities to its employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, governament bodies, and to the general public. Therefore, it adopts this Code of Conduct, which sets out the key principles of conduct.
General principles
Good name of ČD-T is shaped by acting of the Board of Directors, employees and agents, and the principles listed here are considered a minimum standard of behavior for the above. In its business, ČD-T follows not only the generally binding legal regulations, but also basic human values and rules of etiquette, and maintains high standards of morality and ethics.
Employee relations
ČD-T provides equal opportunities for all - regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, nationality, religion, or other distinctive characteristics. It provides its employees with a healthy and safe working environment, supports staff education, so that employees can develop their professional skills, respects the right of employees to form trade unions and fulfills the obligations under the Collective Agreement. The company explains employees the goals and strategies, so that they can understand them and accept the vision as their own.
Market behaviour
ČD-T considers fair dealings with customers, suppliers and business partners prerequisite for successful business cooperation. The company is aware of all of its obligations to all of the above entities and will make every effort to meet them. It considers all information obtained during the course of trade as strictly confidential and treats it accordingly. The company acts fairly and honestly towards the competition in business, and respects the principles of open competition. It is not acceptable for ČD-T to request, receive, offer, promise or give bribes or any other values in order to gain advantage in business relations or for personal gain of an individual.
ČD-T is interested in maintaining a healthy and clean environment. In its activities it therefore proceeds according to the precautionary principle and uses all resources responsibly, carefully and with due diligence.
Social responsibility
Being aware of its social responsibility, ČD-T supports charitable projects, sports, cultural and other activities of non-profit organizations, not only financially, but also by means of personal participation. This Code of Conduct shall come into effect upon signature.